Motherland Burdens

26 x 34 W/C

Inspired by an article on Africa, this is a somber piece which focuses on the many and complex challenges facing the motherland today.  Challenges like: the transition from the yoke of colonialism to self rule, overcoming the vast poverty facing its people and governments, the disparateness and lack of cooperation caused by tribalism, the graft and corruption running rampant on most levels, the religious persecution and intolerance which exists, the onerous debt created and administered by the World Bank, the ethnic intolerance leading to genocide and "cleansing" episodes, the large and increasing number of orphans, the decades of warfare which has led to governmental instability and ineffectiveness, the poor health care, the AIDS epidemic, the high death rate, the high illiteracy rate, the increased poaching of its animal resources for profit and food, the clearing of its magnificent jungle and rain forests, and the environmental impact and pollution caused by the wasteful extraction of it's natural resources.  This piece was created as a diptych to be hung with its companion Motherland Blessings

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